Quality Policy
Barony Quality Policy
The Barony Universal Management and employees are charged with the responsibility to continually review and institute changes to enhance customer satisfaction by producing safe, legal and quality products for our customers.
The workplace, plant and equipment will always be maintained at high standards to ensure that we achieve an optimum output in a clean, efficient and above all, safe environment for our fellow employees.
Raw materials and componentry sourced for Barony and Private Label products will be from accredited suppliers. Specifications must always be verified prior to receipt of deliveries. Rigorous checking systems, which we have implemented, and control, ensure that the handling and processing of these materials is traceable throughout the manufacturing procedure. The movement and storage of all of our goods will be in packaging, which is prescribed to protect, enhance and avoid wastage.
We strive to communicate effectively with each other in Barony Universal to achieve the high levels of product quality and service required by our customers.
“We have confidence in the knowledge that we have produced a quality product”.
Barony Universal is committed to continual improvement through KPI objectives and targets that are monitored to ensure that the Quality System is operating effectively.
Barony Universal is certified to the ISO9001 Standard along with the British Retail Consortium Global Standard for Consumer Products – Product Group 1.
Health and Safety Policy
Barony health & safety policy
It is the policy of Barony Universal Products plc to safeguard the health, safety and welfare of all our employees and professional associates, and Barony Universal Products plc’s, staff and agents, and other members of the public whilst at work. We also fully accept our responsibility for other persons who may be affected by our work activities. We accept the aims and provisions of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, and we will take steps to ensure that our statutory duties are met at all times.
It is our duty to ensure that all processes and systems of work are designed to take account of health and safety and are properly supervised at all times.
We will assess the risks to the health and safety of our employees and to anyone else who may be affected by our work activities. We will also make arrangements to effectively plan, organise, control, monitor and review the preventative and protective measures identified as being necessary by these risk assessments as well as ensure that;
- Adequate facilities and arrangements will be maintained to enable employees to raise issues of health and safety.
- Competent people will be appointed to assist us in meeting our statutory duties including, where appropriate, specialists from out with the organisation.
- We will provide information, instruction, training, and supervision to employees and others as is necessary to implement and maintain high standards of health and safety.
- We have established arrangements for ensuring safety and absence of risks to health in connection with the use, handling, storage and transport of articles and substances, so far as is reasonably practicable.
- We will provide and maintain a working environment for employees and the public that is safe, without risks to health and adequate as regards facilities and arrangements for their welfare, so far as is reasonably practicable.
Every employee must co-operate with us to enable all statutory duties to be complied with. The successful implementation of this policy requires total commitment from all levels of employee. Each individual has a legal obligation to take reasonable care for their own health and safety, and for the safety of other people who may be affected by their acts or omissions.
This policy will be regularly monitored to ensure that the objectives are achieved. It will be reviewed, and if necessary, revised in the light of legislative or organisational changes.
Equal Opportunities Policy
Barony Equal Opportunities Policy
Barony Universal Products plc is committed to a policy of fair and equal treatment of all employees and job applicants, irrespective of their sex, marital status, nationality, colour, race, religion, ethnic origin, disability or age. The company expects all staff, irrespective of their job or seniority, to follow this policy, and will take disciplinary action against any employee found guilty of an act of discrimination or harassment.
Barony Universal Products plc is committed to the consistent, profitable growth of its business and recognises that equal opportunities in employment are integral to achieving this objective. In order to achieve this, the company will: –
- Select, recruit, develop and promote the very best people, basing our judgement solely on suitability for the job.
- Encourage diversity in our workforce, reflecting, where practical, the diversity of the local working population.
- Maintain a working environment free from sexual and racial harassment and intimidation.
- Ensure that all employment conditions and job requirements reflect our commitment to equal opportunities.
All employees are expected to abide by the requirements of all relevant legislation.
All new employees are provided with a Company Handbook and a Contract of Employment when joining the Company which outlines key conditions and responsibilities.
Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement
Barony Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement
Barony Universal is a leading manufacturer and marketer of branded cosmetics, toiletries and household products worldwide. Barony Universal was founded in 1994. Since then we’ve delivered quality in every aspect of our business underpinned by a competitive offer and rigorous understanding of our markets.
We directly employ over 200 people and also utilise the services of various GLA licenced labour provider at peak production times. All workers are required to provide documentation to prove they are eligible to work in the UK and all suppliers are vetted and approved before use.
The directors of the company are aware of the modern slavery risks and acknowledge responsibility to the modern slavery act 2015 and recognise they have an obligation to prevent slavery and human trafficking. We are committed to ensuring that people are treated with dignity and respect at all times and we will do all we can within our power to prevent slavery and human trafficking not only in our own business but also throughout our supply chain. We encourage all our suppliers to uphold the principles in this statement and to adopt similar commitments within their businesses.
Slavery and Human Trafficking
As a company we are fully aware of our responsibilities and are guided by a strict set of business policies that are reviewed, agreed and implemented by the Directors as a minimum annually. Company Policies Include; Ethical & Human rights Policy, Whistleblowing Policy, Health & Safety Policy, Prevention of Illegal working Policy, and Anti-Bribery Policy.
As a company we are fully aware of our responsibilities and are guided by a strict set of business policies that are reviewed, agreed and implemented by the Directors as a minimum annually.
Company Policies Include;
• Ethical & Human rights Policy
• Whistleblowing Policy
• Health & Safety Policy
• Prevention of Illegal working Policy
• Anti-Bribery Policy
We aim to act in a socially responsible manner at all times by:
• Respecting the economic, social, cultural, political and civil rights of those involved in our operations.
• Complying with all human rights legislation.
• Developing ethical trading standards and practices.
• Monitor and advise suppliers within existing business practices.
• Educate our staff about Ethical Trading and Human Rights.
• Seek to ensure our products are supplied to the highest technical and ethical standards
• Recognising and reviewing the ETI Base Code and engaging with external audits
• Contributing as active members of SEDEX to ensure visibility of our supply chain
• Demonstrating support the ‘Stronger Together’ campaign.
Due Diligence
Due diligence is an important part of Barony Universal Products commitment to demonstrating accountability and transparency in ensuring that we identify and mitigate the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking not only in our Company but also in our supply chain. Health and Safety as well as Ethical information is requested as part of the supplier vetting programme. We partake in third party SMETA ethical audits and share the results via the SEDEX platform and/or directly with our customers. In addition to utilising the GLA Active Check platform the Company also conducts bi-annual audits of their agency provider, these include one to one worker interviews to ensure that they have a confidential route for raising any concerns. The company has an active workers health and safety committee dedicated to promoting a safe working environment for each employee and we encourage the reporting of concerns and the protection of whistle blowers.
Supply Chain Risk
As we primarily manufacture and market our products ourselves the risks of modern slavery being present in our business is mitigated by the controls we have implemented. The greatest risk comes from 3rd party suppliers of goods and / or services and we have to rely on the information supplied to us in good faith as these operations are outside of our direct control. All suppliers are vetted prior to supply via our approved supplier process.
We actively promote the Stronger Together initiative, key staff have attended external training workshops and share their learnings with other managers in the business. Staff awareness initiatives include the siting of Stronger Together posters in several languages throughout the site.
This statement has been approved by Steven Groden, Managing Director of Barony Universal Products Plc on the 31st May 2024.
This statement will be reviewed and updated annually.